Product Range

UCITS funds

Our UCITS fund range covers Multi Manager/Multi Strategy funds (Salus Alpha Multi Style), Multi Manager/Single Strategy funds (Salus Alpha Managed Futures, Salus Alpha Event Driven, Salus Alpha Equity Hedged) and Single Manager/Single Strategy funds (Salus Alpha Directional Markets, Salus Alpha Real Estate).

The risk - return spectrum of our UCITS funds can be best presented in a triangle, where the Multi Manager/Multi Strategy funds build the base, with moderate returns and low risk. On the next level are the Multi Manager/Single Strategy funds which provide good returns with moderate risk. The top level is reserved for the Single Manager/Single Strategy funds with high return and higher risk.

Structured Products

Structured products may have a "principal guarantee" function as a main feature which offers protection of principal if held to maturity. These products offer a degree of both capital protection and capital appreciation.

These are customized products that comprise various financial instruments (derivatives, stocks, bonds and debentures, among others) and alternative investment strategies in one investment.

These products are created through the process of financial engineering, i.e. by taking a traditional security and replacing the usual payment features with non-traditional payoffs derived not from the issuer's own cash flow, but from the performance of one or more underlying assets.

Salus Alpha offers a unique service in terms of depth of resources, quality and range of advice and this way ensures that the structured investment products meet its clients’ needs.

Hedge Fund Indices

Hedge fund indices have to fulfill the three basic criteria to become UCITS III eligible – sufficient diversification, ability to serve as an adequate benchmark and appropriate publication.

The Salus Alpha Group was the first asset manager to establish hedge fund indices to be listed on a stock exchange. The indices of the subsidiary Alternative Index Ltd. target to offer investors an unbiased reference of the performance of alternative asset classes.

The indices provide an investable benchmark with daily liquidity that represents the risk and return of the various investable Alternative Investment Strategies. All our indices target to offer investors an unbiased reference of the performance of alternative asset classes.

Portable Alpha

Portable Alpha is an investment management term, which refers to the return of an investment manager who has completely eliminated his market risk (beta), through the use of derivatives (e.g. futures, swaps, options). In simple terms, this is a strategy that involves investing in areas that have little to no correlation with the market. Salus Alpha has considerable success in structuring portable alpha products designed to deliver stable returns in excess of a client specific benchmark.

Salus Alpha achieves this by entering into a total return swap with a leading bank in which it exchanges EURIBOR or another benchmark for the performance of a hedge fund portfolio. The hedge fund portfolio is structured to produce a consistent return in excess of the benchmark.